Frequently Asked Questions
Direct Primary Care, or DPC, is a model of medicine similar to retainer-based physician in that you get direct access to your doctor without having to go through the middleman insurance company. Direct primary care focuses on giving patients a full range of comprehensive primary services in exchange for a flat monthly fee.
AmarilloMD is Amarillo’s first Direct Care practice. We offer a pattern of family healthcare that is immediate, thorough, comprehensive, specific, easily affordable, and very, very personal.
The terms are often used interchangeably and essentially refer to the same principles. Direct Primary Care is a healthcare model focused on putting the patient first. That means treating them when they need it, never rushing patients through appointments, and being proactive with healthcare treatment plans. The doctor-patient relationship is just as the name suggests – direct. Direct Primary Care clinics don’t accept insurance, rather they choose to work directly with the patient, providing wholesale labs, wholesale supplies, and other cost savings along the way.
The terms are often used interchangeably and essentially refer to the same principles. Direct Primary Care is a healthcare model focused on putting the patient first. That means treating them when they need it, never rushing patients through appointments, and being proactive with healthcare treatment plans. The doctor-patient relationship is just as the name suggests – direct. Direct Primary Care clinics don’t accept insurance, rather they choose to work directly with the patient, providing wholesale labs, wholesale supplies, and other cost savings along the way.
In providing superb care with unprecedented sorts of access, we seek to prevent or reduce hospitalizations and specialty referrals. In instances where those types of care are required, we will certainly continue to work with your hospitalist during your hospital stay as well as work closely with any specialist. In some cases, depending on the level of care and the sorts of expertise required, we may rely on specialized caregivers to manage your treatment.
Yes. You need only sign a one-time waiver declaring that neither you nor your doctor will directly bill Medicare for our services. Medicare will most likely still cover any laboratory testing, imaging, medications, or hospitalizations prescribed by our offices as long as you make clear that you want to use that method of payment. The provider will have to take the time to add diagnosis codes to the order ahead of time for you.
We have cut the red tape of bureaucracy. The restrictions that typically leave physicians in a traditional healthcare setting buried in nonsense paperwork are lifted through Direct Care, allowing us to spend our time where it really counts: with patients. In refusing to recognize any interference with the sanctity of the patient-physician relationship, we have returned family practice medicine to its root values of clinical excellence for and compassionate knowledge of every patient. In every aspect of family healthcare and custom healthcare, we promise accessibility, convenience, and affordability.
By all means, yes! Because illness and injury do not respect regular office hours, you may call your physicians any day, at any hour. If you have difficulty getting out of your home, we invite you to arrange for home visits, schedules permitting. You are encouraged to use our secure patient portal, Spruce, to send any messages, pictures, etc. It’s how we do custom healthcare.
Direct Primary Care
Welcome to AmarilloMD
Women’s Health
What is the Hormonal Epidimic?
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April’s Weight Loss Journey
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